😈Fibbing Friday👿

person in creepy clown makeup
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

Thank you for the inspiration pensivity101

1. Why do we say it’s raining cats and dogs? – it’s a mispronunciation of rats and cogs and comes from the time when windmills would sometimes spontaneously explode due to flour dust ignition*. 🔥

2. What is meant by ‘The elephant in the room?’  – It heralds back to olden days when the King of Siam would employ trained elephants to eavesdrop at parties who would trample on anyone that voiced dissent. 🐘

3. What is downsizing? – reducing the amount of duck feathers in a pillow. 🦆

4. What is a Panto Dame?- A member of the House of Lords appointed in December. 🤴

5. What is pumpernickel? – a metallic element extracted from Halloween leftovers.🎃

6. What’s the difference between poison ivy and poison oak? – Poison Ivy is a Batman villain, poison oak isn’t. 🦹‍♀️

7. What is a plimsoll line? – an imaginary line used to measure the age of children, when they reach their teens it becomes a trainer line. 👟

8. What are waffles? – Belgian raffles. 🧇

9. How can you beat inflation? – a pin usually works quite well. 📌

10. What is catsup? – a controversial and highly illegal condiment made from felines. 🙀

* Just so you know – a flour dust explosion is not a fib, it’s a real thing.

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